Traveling 2500 miles around Europe on a bunch of old Lambretta’s, with no backup and only a handful of spares…

…what could possibly go wrong?

A trip which started so pleasantly, and with the emphasis to take it easy… that idea was thrown out of the window on day one!

By chance, uncovering a vast amount of Lambretta spares and supplies to keep us going, items were found in the most unlikely of places!

The thought of having to make a repair by removing the side panel was almost heartbreaking for some!

The actual reason for the epic journey, the rally itself, almost became forgotten during the tumultuous events which unraveled along the way. Thankfully, the enjoyment of the main event was reignited by a lifetimes supply of free wine!

The journey home was at snails’ pace, as it seemed like some countries didn’t want us to leave…

When there were casualties everyone rallied round to fettle the wounded machine. We set off together so we were going to arrive home together. Read the full story of this epic adventure in the September edition of Scootering Magazine, out soon: