When an absolute scooter purist decides to change the origins of his or her machine, you know it must be done for both the right reasons and in the right way. Scootering reporter Christian Giarrizzo meets such an enthusiast in the heart of Italy, and tells us his story.
When Paulo Guarasci decided to restore the family Vespa, he was told it wasn’t worth the expense, but some scooters have a value that can’t be measured in money alone.
Costa Rica isn’t high on the list of places associated with Vespa scooters but as Willy Conejo explains it’s a perfect destination for discerning Vespisti.
Gatch, Dino and the Toxic team have produced an off-the-wall 1940s/50s influenced low-rider Vespa cut-down, which will turn heads. The scooter enters the Toxic stable with an appeal, which is a far cry from the apocalyptic industrial look.