Tuning company Nordspeed from Bremen in northern Germany enjoys an almost legendary reputation for the design of racing exhaust systems for classic Vespa and Lambretta scooters… especially the 200cc Vespa Largeframe products of Tobi Rußmann. Despite the cramped space between the studs of the cylinder, with little space to work on, he knows how best to utilise the power delivery of the motor in his designs. SIP Scootershop and Nordspeed have recently decided to work together. The result is an exhaust system with a most powerful design, coupled with modern features such as O-ring flange, plus EGT and Lambda connection. These are the two latest versions…

SIP Racing exhaust R2

The R2 represents the absolute peak of the performance scale. With this product, performance levels can be achieved that, until its appearance, were considered impossible. It was specially developed for the Malossi MHR cylinder kits. The goal was to explore the possibilities of this cylinder to the limits. The result is a jaw droppingly impressive 50hp at the rear wheel. However, such a performance level cuts back on everyday usability. The R2 works in high rev ranges. This leads to a similar highly strung behaviour, as with a heavily tuned Vespa Smallframe… only with much more power.
For the R2 to exploit its full potential, it is imperative that the other components of the engine provide the necessary environment. These include an intake manifold with a large cross section and a carburettor with at least 35mm diameter. The cylinder should be a potently tuned. Nordspeed prefers a Malossi MHR or a Quattrini M232/244.
The most important point that must be met for the function of this exhaust is the appropriate port timing sequence. If it’s not adapted to the needs of the R2, the engine cannot perform well. According to Nordspeed, optimal performance can be obtained with the very specific following timings:
Transfer port timing: 138°
Exhaust port timing: 198°
SIP Racing exhaust Camaro

The Camaro is a high-torque exhaust, which convinces in everyday use with a nice speed range and balanced power delivery. Tobi has developed a very good peak performance. In town, on the way to work or touring, the Camaro, with its balanced characteristics and good torque, is hard to beat. Its strengths show when it is installed on an engine that provides the right environment.
This means a sufficiently sized carburettor, a revised inlet and of course a tuning cylinder having larger cross sections at the channels. For the Camaro to work optimally, it is again very important that the timing of the cylinder used matches the layout of the exhaust. Nordspeed recommends:
Transfer port timing: 124°-130°
Exhaust port timing: 186°-194°
Blow down timing: 30°-32°
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