Simply put, Scootering is the number one scooter magazine in the world featuring stunning restorations and customisations, news, reviews, technical advice and an unrivalled insight into the scooter scene. Here’s what to expect this month…

This month, Stan and Brad attend the Paris Vespa Parade but fate throws them some hard fromage; and there’s a Vespa chop with more to it than first meets the eye. As well as this, the November issue has …
Scootering, Modified: The Mod Shop
When a motorcycle dealer takes on a scooter franchise the results are often clichéd. As you’ll discover in the November issue of Scootering The Mod Shop’s approach brings something entirely new. Bespoke Bitubo’s for your Royal Alloy?
Time for bed
The nights are drawing in and for many that means putting their pride and joy away until spring. Stu Owen explains how to get your scooter ready for hibernation.
The Butterfly Effect
In November’s issue we talk exclusively with the legendary Bruce Foxton and Russell Hastings about their careers and From The Jam. We also made a memorable birthday for one of our readers.
Lexicon of Scooters #11, Vespa SS180.
We profile one of Vespa’s most iconic machines the SS180. If you’ve ever wondered how the model came to be, how it was received at the time or how it performs on today’s roads now’s your chance to find out.
And there’s lots more to delve in to, but you’ll have to find that out for yourself! If you’d like to read the November issue of Scootering magazine, then you can cut to the chase and order yours here, or better yet save those pennies and subscribe to Scootering magazine.