Being a typical Yorkshireman, Adrian Terry knows what he likes, and likes what he knows. For more than four decades he’s loved scooters and Northern Soul.
A forecast of sunshine and an extra-long bank holiday found scooterists from across the nation heading for Kelso and the Scottish National. Stan was among them, but was it worth the trip?
Images from the earliest days of scootering tend to be of cheerful couples, with a lady sat beaming over the shoulder of her partner, but not all women were happy to be assigned the role of pillion.
These two Vespas have been owned by Geoff Newberry for longer than many Scootering readers have been alive. Caroline paid him a visit and uncovered their stories.
As Covid restrictions subside and life returns to normal there’s a risk that the unbelievable efforts of NHS workers will be forgotten. Andy Randall’s determined that won’t be the case.