Simply put, Scootering is the number one scooter magazine in the world featuring stunning restorations and customisations, news, reviews, technical advice and an unrivalled insight into the scooter scene.

Here’s what to expect this month…
The Beast from the Green Hell
We kick off with a high-spec Lambretta street racer
A charmed life
When Mark Wingett of Quadrophenia fame recently visited Tokyo, Ichiro Uekama was there to act as his guide
Italian stallion rolling revival
Our Series 2 is ready to take on its role as a test bed
Big girls are more fun
Big Chris ponders the curvaceous majesty that is a Series 2 Lambretta
And there’s lots more to delve in to, but you’ll have to find that out for yourself! If you’d like to read the August issue of Scootering magazine, then you can cut to the chase and order yours here, or better yet save those pennies and subscribe to Scootering magazine.