“The UK’s biggest and best scootering magazine – over 140 pages of top scooter features, reviews, events and the massive 48 page scooter trader. Each month Scootering also has a large music section with reviews, band news and event exclusives. With the best classified ads in the business, it’s a must read for every scooterist.” Scootering magazine is available from all good newsagents throughout the UK every month. On sale last Thursday of previous month.

Advertising Representative
Craig Amess | 01507 529537 | CAmess@mortons.co.uk
Deputy Group Advertising Manager
Tom Lee | 01507 529529 | TLee@Mortons.co.uk
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Sue Keily | 01507 529361 | SKeily@Mortons.co.uk
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Magazine Information
Format: Glossy A4 full colour magazine
Average pagination: 116 pages
Frequency: First Friday of every month
Availability: Normal retail outlets, overseas distribution, subscription (Print and digital)