Letter from the editor
A warm welcome to June edition
of Scootering.
The front section with latest news, views and product reviews!
Scomadi special
Four owner/riders give ‘real world’ reports – includes feedback from
Frank Sanderson.
Rally report
Tenby scooter rally report, BSRA#2 in words and pictures.
Rally report
Oddballs scooter rally – Sarge has the images gives us a full report.
Rally report
Llangollen scooter rally report, Jordan’s journey and write-up.
Show us your scooters
The best of the rest from the readers stunning rides.
Dealer spotlight
This month we take a look into the workshops of scooter repair centre ATOMS.
Feedback and full throttle responses from the readers
SIP open day 2016
Editor Dan takes a peek inside the new 5000sq ft premises and hi-tech set-up of SIP Scooter Shop.
Painting by numbers
Part 2 of our tutorial on how to
give your scooter a perfect paintjob.
Tuning pioneers – 112mph, 250cc, sub 14 second ¼ mile
Special feature on tuning pioneers Fred Willingham and Peter Ham.
Club Focus
MKSC’s very own Jeff Lovat talks about the club and his Lambretta love affair.
Club Do’s & Events
Your essential guide to the scene – What, Where & When!
Music interview with Sarah Collins
Northern Soul saved my life!
Tech quick fix tip
Stu Owen talks drive chains.
Tech tip
Bang for Buck tuning: Part 2 of the SIL200 tuning developments.
Tech tip
Ignition timing woes fixed in a jiffy!
Tech Torque
Release the power from your engine! Darrell Taylor talks about MSV.
BSSO 2016
Thrills and spills at Mallory.
Scooter Trader
Your sales and classifieds section – including Specialist Services and At a Glance.
Into The Sunset
Another crazy scooter – long story from the past. Sort of.
Nostalgic Corner
Scootering magazine’s long-time lover Dave O takes a look at another iconic machine.
Way Back When
Our look at you and your vintage scooter pics.